

Welcome! This website aims to give you updated information on the functions of the Ombudsman and how the Ombudsman can assist anyone with any complaints they may have.

We examine complaints from people who feel they have been unfairly treated by certain public bodies, for example, government departments, local authorities, leaders and companies wholly or partially owned by the Vanuatu Government. We also examine complaints on the conduct of Leaders and on issues of language rights.

We provide a free public service to all which is open and accountable. Our job is to examine a complaint in a fair and impartial way and report on any misconduct of the government departments, local authorities, leaders and companies owned by the government and also report on breaches of language rights.

About The Website

Everything about the Ombudsman’s Office can be accessed in this website for free.

  • Complaint forms
  • Public Reports
  • Relevant laws
  • Visions and roles
  • Business plan
  • Office structure
  • Press Releases

Feel free to call our office on 27200 for uncertainties.