This marks an important occasion for both the two agencies; the Vanuatu Ombudsman Office and the Vanuatu Police Force as the Acting Ombudsman Mr. Alain WAI MOLGOS and the Acting Police Commissioner Colonel Robson Iavro, signed an MOU for both Institutions to work together in certain investigations and also facilitation by way of exchange of information between both agencies.

Acting Ombudsman Alain WAI MOLGOS and Acting COMPOL Colonel Robson Iavro signing the MOU.

Acting Police Commissioner and Acting Ombudsman exchanging the signed MOU.
The MOU combines the specific functions and objectives of both agencies as mandated by Law and will also allow both parties to exchange information on investigations conducted and also to ensure the two offices do not duplicate unnecessarily investigations into the conduct of Leaders and other Government Agencies and publicizing wherever appropriate, the accountability arrangements for Vanuatu Government agencies and Leaders.
Both institutions will engage themselves in joint investigations into criminal misconducts of leaders pursuant to section 34 of the Leadership Code Act and section 37 of the Ombudsman Act. The outcome of their findings will be jointly reported and submitted to the Office of the Public Prosecutor for the purpose of prosecution under section 35 of the Leadership Code Act.
This is the first time since establishment of both agencies to have such an MOU in place and the heads of both agencies are looking forward to working together under the terms and conditions of this MOU.