The Right to Information Act has a great benefit to assist the work of the Ombudsman in dealing with issues of Corruption and ensuring Transparency and Good Governance prevails in Vanuatu.
With the Right to Information Act, people can access official Government information and decisions from Government agencies under order for their viewing and perusal of any action they wish to. The Right to Information Act also establishes a complaints mechanism that public can rely on to address any complaints they wish to should they feel they are not fairly treated when requesting information from Government Agencies under order.
The Office of the Ombudsman wishes to advise the General Public that should they wish to lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman Office, they can gather all relevant information from the required Government Agencies and use that information to support whatever complaints they wish to raise with the Ombudsman Office.
More Information on how to address corruption and promote good governance and transparency within all State Owned Enterprises, Government Officers and securitizing the conduct of Leaders can be obtained from the office of the Ombudsman located at the Ombudsman Haus, Rue Pasteur Port Vila.